Preparation and Diagnosis of New Azo - Barbiturate Dyes


  • Ali Ghazi Kazim Chemistry Department, AL-Qadisiyah University - Education College, Al Diwaniyah, Iraq
  • Abdullah Jawad Kadhim Chemistry Department, AL-Qadisiyah University - Education College, Al Diwaniyah, Iraq



Barbituric acid, thymol, quinol, phenlenediamine


The research includes the preparation of new azo-barbiturate dyes derived from shiff bases prepared by reaction Barbituric acid & phenlenediamine and repellency bases by means of double-reaction of repellant bases with different phenolic compounds. These compounds were diagnosed using infrared techniques, ultraviolet-visible radiation, NMR proton and thin layer chromatography. All barbiturate dyes had absorption between (273 – 310) nm and showed hypsochromic shift from the corresponding azo dyes. The crystal structures of barbiturate dyes indicated that barbiturate ring is sterically hindered by phenol rings .


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How to Cite

Kazim, A. G., & Kadhim, A. J. (2018). Preparation and Diagnosis of New Azo - Barbiturate Dyes. Journal of Advance Research in Applied Science (ISSN 2208-2352), 5(12), 01-06.