Probabilistic Path Queries in Path Networks: An Effective and Efficient Clustering Methods


  • S. Valenteena Jafflet Computer Science Engineering, Bharath University, Chennai, India
  • N. Priya Assistant Professor, Computer Science Engineering, Bharath University Chennai, India



Clustering, probabilistic graphs correlated, algorithm


Efficiently processing shortest path (SP) queries over stochastic networks attracted a lot of research attention as such queries are very popular in the emerging real world applications such as Intelligent Transportation Systems and communication networks whose edge weights can be modeled as a random variable. Some pervious works aim at finding the most likely SP (the path with largest probability to be SP), and others search the least-expected-weight path. In all these works, the definitions of the shortest path query are based on simple probabilistic models which can be converted into the multi-objective optimal issues on a weighted graph. Challenging problem, two algorithms, the PEEDR and the CPGS clustering algorithm. Reliable clusters are those which are not likely to be disconnected in the context of different instantiations of the uncertain graph. we provide a generalized reliability measurement from two basic intuitions (purity and size balance) to overcome the challenges from standard reliability criterion, and develop a novel k-means algorithm to solve the uncertain clustering problem.


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How to Cite

Jafflet, S. V., & Priya, N. . (2015). Probabilistic Path Queries in Path Networks: An Effective and Efficient Clustering Methods. Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science & Engineering (ISSN 2456-3552), 2(3), 13-19.