Interleaved DC-DC Converter Based BL Buckboost Converter Fed BLDC Drive


  • Ch. S. V. Prakash
  • K. Kalyani
  • B. Sankara Prasad



Bridgeless (BL), improved converter, brushless direct current (BLDC) motor, discontinuous inductor current mode (DICM), power quality


In this paper an improved BL Buck-Boost PFC converter fed brushless direct current (BLDC) motor drive for desired speed applications has been presented. The additional inductance and power semiconductor switches gives the advantages over the conventional circuit configuration. The reliability of the circuit gets improved by proposed model. Voltage source inverter (VSI) is used to reduce the losses across the power switches. The performance of the proposed BLDC motor is evaluated over a wide range of speed control and observed in MATLAB/Simulation environment.

Author Biographies

  • Ch. S. V. Prakash

    M.Tech Student

  • K. Kalyani

    Associate Professor

  • B. Sankara Prasad

    HOD and Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Prakash, C. S. V. ., Kalyani, K. . ., & Prasad, B. S. (2015). Interleaved DC-DC Converter Based BL Buckboost Converter Fed BLDC Drive. Journal of Advance Research in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (ISSN 2208-2395), 2(4), 18-25.