Data Communication Via Bluetooth Between Pendrives Using Arm


  • Abhijeet Ashish
  • Gaurav Gautam
  • Arjun Sahi



Pendrive, USB, Bluetooth, PC, Laptops, Battery, Data, ARM, USB controller IC VNC1L, USB FLASH, NAND flash memory, crystal ocillator, hardware, software.


Now a days pendrive become so indespensible thing in our life. Any type of data is use share we need pendrive, to transfer those data first off all we need to put those datas in PC then into pendrive it is so hectic process so to overcome from this long process we need a pendrive with inbuilt bluetooth. By this pendrive we can share data directly from pendrive to pendrive without need of a PC. This is very effective process which can save time as well as effort of user.It will make user comfortable to share data eaisly. to work with this pen drive we need a small power supply to the pendrive almost 9 volt DC power supply. It can be dual means it can trasfer data usually with the help of PC or via bluetooth when power supply iven to it.


Parmar, C.D.; Dwivedi, V.V.; Wandra, H. H., "Firmware for file transfer between Bluetooth module and flash memory through microcontroller in an emerging concept of wireless portable memory access," Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICCCCT), 2010 IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.42,46, 7-9 Oct.2010 doi: 10.1109/ICCCCT.2010.5670781

International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, ISSN: 2278-067X, Volume 1, Issue 6 (June 2012), PP.25-34.

Arfwedson, Henrik and Sneddon, Rob, “Ericss0n’s Bluetooth Modules”, Nov 4,1999. Ericsson Review No.4, PP 198-205

Robert L. Boylstad, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Edition Eight.

Behrouz A Forouzan, “Data Communication And Networks”, 4th edition.

ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques by William Hohl.

ARM system developers guide by Andrew N.Sloss.

Embedded systems by Raj kamal

ARM Architecture Reference Manual by David Seal.

ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques by William Hohl.

ARM Microcontroller Interfacing: Hardware and Software by Warwick A. Smith.

Microprocessors, pc hardware and interfacing by N.Mathivanan



How to Cite

Ashish, A., Gautam, G. ., & Sahi, A. (2014). Data Communication Via Bluetooth Between Pendrives Using Arm. Journal of Advance Research in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (ISSN 2208-2395), 1(4), 05-10.