Detection of Concrete Damage Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Method


  • Manish Dogra Manager, Ireo Pvt. Ltd., Delhi
  • Pankaj Jain AGM, Ireo Pvt. Ltd., Delhi



UPV, element, breaking, method


Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) method is used to detect cracks and flaws inside the concrete structure. There are two types of simulated cracks, namely, cracks perpendicular to axis of element and cracks parallel to axis of element were induced without breaking them. The method can be used to measure the depth of vertical cracks. The degree of accuracy is high, if the distance is maintained between 100 - 200 mm. However, for measuring horizontal cracks, this method does not give the result with high degree of accuracy. But within a distance of 100-200 mm between the transducers, the depth of the horizontal cracks can be estimated to a reasonable degree of accuracy. Hence, the distance between the transducers plays an important role degree of accuracy of measuring depth.


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How to Cite

Dogra, M., & Jain, P. (2016). Detection of Concrete Damage Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Method. Journal of Advance Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ISSN: 2208-2379), 3(8), 01-04.