
  • Anthony N. Okwor Department of Computer Science Federal College of Education, Eha Amufu



Computer anxiety, research attitudes, lecturers, CoE


The colleges of education in Nigeria are an essential component of the higher education ecosystem saddled with training future teachers. However, a growing indication suggests a poor research attitude in the colleges of education. Although, the constrictions impeding efficient and globally competitive research development in the higher education system have been emphasized in the literature. However, the construct of computer anxiety and its effect on computer use instigated the current paper. Thus, the study's primary purpose is to examine research attitudes in colleges of education based on computer anxiety. Ninety-six academic staff pooled from the CoE in the Enugu States of Nigeria completed a self-report measure. The linear regression analysis conducted to test the study hypothesis revealed that computer anxiety statistically significantly predicted research attitudes in CoE at F (1,94), 60.031, P<.000. The R2 indicated that the predictor variable explained about 22.1% of the observed variance in research attitudes in CoE. The paper concluded that computer anxiety determines research attitude in CoE.


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How to Cite

Okwor, A. N. . (2022). COMPUTER ANXIETY AND RESEARCH ATTITUDE IN THE ACADEMIA: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF LECTURERS IN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION. Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science & Engineering (ISSN 2456-3552), 7(1), 1-6.