Performance Tests and Design Outputs of Diesel Forklifts


  • Halil Çetin Burdur Mehmet AkifErsoyUniversity of Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Burdur, 15000 Turkey



Performance outputs, balance triangle, stability, load center


In order to improve the characteristics of the 3000 kg capacity diesel forklifts we are working on, KFD30 Forklift was developed with the aim of increasing performance. After the design and dengeassembly stages of this prototype model, stability tests and performance tests were performed in accordance with TSE ISO Standards. In order to find the maximum performance outputs of the diesel forklift we developed, the test results were taken into consideration and adaptations were made on our prototype model. Surface slopes and velocities that our model could work with and without load were determined. The center of gravity of our model was found to ensure that the load center does not go outside the balance triangle during operation. It is very important that the test results also confirm our original values.       


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How to Cite

Çetin, H. (2019). Performance Tests and Design Outputs of Diesel Forklifts. Journal of Advance Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ISSN: 2208-2379), 5(12), 01-05.