
  • Mutaz H. Al- Shakhatreh Jordanian Royal Medical Services
  • Abdullah T. Al- Halholi Jordanian Royal Medical Services
  • Yazan A. Al- Nsour Jordanian Royal Medical Services
  • Luma A. Al- Najada Jordanian Royal Medical Services
  • Sinan M. Al- Hadeed Jordanian Royal Medical Services



Patients’ Experience, Providers’ Perceptions, Pain and Orthodontic Treatment


Aim: The goal of the present study is to determine the perceptions of the provider assessments for patient experiences during pain and orthodontic treatment in Jordanian context.

Materials and Methods: The research sample was gathered at the Jordanian Royal Medical Services, Princess Haya Bent Alhussain Hospital, and Price Hashim Hospital from patients who have had orthodontic treatment in the past. Specifically, 107 questionnaires were analyzed. The questionnaire aimed to identify the pain during and appointments based on providers’ and patients experience. The replies of the patients were calculated using frequency.

Result: A comparison was also conducted, focusing on the average responses from all of the providers and patients. The independent sample t-tests showed the estimation of the providers regarding the last appointment of their patients. The providers asked their patients how much pain they were experiencing (2.93 versus 2.50; P.056). Following this, a comparison was made regarding the pain that patients experienced immediately after the last appointment (3.83 versus 3.62; P.047), as well as one day after the treatment (3.72 versus 3.48; P.006) and two days after the last appointment (3.19 versus 3.08; P .001). Last but not least, it is demonstrated that at today's appointment, difference was (2.13 vs 2.28; P .425).

Conclusions: Finding out whether or not orthodontists are aware that their patients take pain medication and whether or not patient reports of their pain are compatible with orthodontists' assessments of their patients' pain levels are crucial.


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How to Cite

Shakhatreh, M. H. A.-., Halholi, A. T. A.-., Nsour, Y. A. A.-., Najada, L. A. A.-., & Hadeed, S. M. A.-. (2024). THE PERCEPTIONS OF THE PROVIDER ASSESSMENTS FOR PATIENT EXPERIENCES DURING PAIN AND ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT IN JORDANIAN CONTEXT. Journal of Advanced Research in Medical and Health Science (ISSN 2208-2425), 10(7), 24-29.