
  • Deep Sharma Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, DDM College of Pharmacy, Una-174303, INDIA
  • Varun Sharma Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, DDM College of Pharmacy, Una-174303
  • Hema Rani Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, DDM College of Pharmacy, Una-174303, INDIA
  • Aashish Sharma Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, IEC University, Baddi-174102, INDIA




Arsenic, arsenicosis,, toxicity.


Arsenic is a pollutant in the environment, and its poisoning of drinking water is considered a severe global health issue. It has been established that inorganic arsenic is extremely toxic, both acute and chronic. It enters in human body ingestion, inhalation, or skin absorption. After entering into the body it is distributed to large number of organs and increases the risk of a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular abnormalities, hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and nephrotoxicity. Furthermore, only a few studies have shown that persistent exposure to arsenic causes carcinogenesis, particularly cancers of the skin, bladder, and lungs. It is very difficult to diagnose early symptoms of arsenicosis because such nonspecific symptoms may also be present in many other diseases. The current study looks at a variety of processes that play a role in arsenic- induced toxicity and end-organ damage.


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How to Cite

Sharma, D. ., Sharma, V. ., Rani, H. ., & Sharma, A. . (2022). A REVIEW ON ARSENIC TOXICITY AND ITS EFFECTS ON HUMAN HEALTH. Journal of Advance Research in Pharmacy and Biological Science (ISSN 2208-2360) , 8(5), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.53555/nnpbs.v8i5.1305