For publication in Scopus, Web of Science, and more – Expert consultation for indexed journal submissions.
Author Guidelines
Submission of article: We are currently focusing on publishing original research works, review papers, short communications only, Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process. Or if you face any difficulty in online submission you can simply email your article at
File type: Authors should submit the articles only in MS-word 2003 or 2007 & 2010 format, no other format is accepted. If equations were used it should be converted by using MS Office equation editor and pasted as image at proper place. All equations should be grouped or may be prepared using equation editor software. Presently we are not able to accept formatted articles in LateX or other format, authors are informed to convert their articles only in MS word format. Please note that the file size should not be more than 10 MB size for submission through our submit forms.
No of Pages: No article should exceed more than 10-12 pages authors are informed that lengthening the paper will not only make the readers skip the content and hence authors are advised to write their full work within this page limit
File size: A maximum file size of 2 MB is permitted if the article is more than that author may zip the file and send it to our mail id.
Language: Language of the articles should be only in English, we are not processing articles in any other languages.
Last Date of paper Acceptance: 27th of every month
Online Publication Date: 30th of every month
Last Date for Payment: Author needs to Pay publication fee within three working days after the acceptance of article.
In special Issue your paper will be published 36 hours after sending the copyright form duly filled along with payment proof.
Font characters:
Font should be Times New Roman throughout the article with the following varying sizes
Main heading: 16 size – No italics – Title case bold
Section heading: 13 size – No italics – Title case bold
Keywords: 10.5 size, the word “Keywords” only should be bold, no italics, give full stop after keywords.
Full text: 10.5 size, do not bold anywhere except important content, no underline, no unwanted italics (except bio terms and other terms which need italics as standard pattern).
Table name and figure name: 10.5 size, the word “Table” and “Figure” only should be bold, use colon after Table: and Figure:
Line Spacing:
All line spacing is single, do not use other spacing throughout the article.
In reference section, there should be one space between each reference.
All margins are 1” on all sides, do not change the template margin
Units: All units in the article should be SI units.
Abstract: No italics, 10.5 size font, do not remove the lines above and below abstract in the template, do not redraw the lines, copy paste the content between lines. Abstract should not be more than 200 words, give a precise abstract conveying what the article meant for, many readers just read the abstract to understand the importance of the article, hence this portion requires utmost attention, use simple words without improper expression, make it simple to read and easy to understand, provide important outcome of the experiments.
Keywords: Provide up to 8 keywords that express the article content, do not provide to generic keywords such as Remote Sensing, Environment, Biotechnology etc.