Comorbidities, COVID-19, Obesity, Pediatric, Severity.Abstract
There is inconsistency between the findings of the several research that have been conducted about the association between comorbidities and the severity of pediatric COVID-19. A fundamental disadvantage of the studies that are now available is that they do not provide sufficient information on the clinical presentation and results. The majority of research characterize the severity of COVID-19 merely by reporting admission or fatality rates from critical care units. Severe disease is uncommon in children as compared to adults, and the majority of studies reflect the severity of the disease (ICUs). Infections caused by SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, as well as adult corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), comorbidities that were already present at the time of infection are regarded to be a risk factor for more severe disease. The majority of studies point to a connection between obesity and the outcomes of COVID-19 patients, and this is true for both children and adults. Some experts have put forward a theory as to why children are not susceptible to COVID-19 is that because children are often exposed to the other four mild coronaviruses that circulate each year and cause the common cold. This provides a boost in immunity in children, but many dispute that argument because adults also get the common cold virus and children's immune systems especially children <5 years are still underdeveloped which should make them more vulnerable.
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