Características Biológicas De Centropomus Undecimalis (Bloch, 1729) Capturado En La Laguna De Tampamachoco, Municipio De Tuxpan Veracruz, México
Centropomus undecimalis, Snook, Capture, BiometricsAbstract
The fishing craft of the Snook is of great tradition and importance in the Gulf of Mexico due to its features food, abundance and a high value in the market. In the Gulf of Mexico, it is abundant in the States of Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Tabasco (Knight 2003, Bush-Meza et to the. 2006). White Snook C. undecimalis, inhabits coastal lagoons and in the sea, is reproduced in salt and brackish water in the vicinity of the mouths of the rivers, from areas covering the coast line to the depth of 16 to 40 m; performs movements migratory annual between the rivers, the lagoons and the Sea (Caballero-chavez et to the., 2000). The Snook has an importance commercial and sports what you give a high value in the market local and regional, (Quiroga and Solis 1999;) (Müller and Taylor 2006). Many species used them systems lagoon as areas of breeding, power and refuge against predators in the first stages of its cycle of life, by what is very important determine in what stages and where is develop for avoid that the catches commercial is carry to out in these areas inducing to a fishing not sustainable and with risk of the overfishing. Is necessary undertake programs of management that conducive to the permanence of this species in the region, which requires of the knowledge of its biology, ecology and fishery.
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