Local Government and the Sustenance of Democracy in Nigeria


  • Ogoma Daniel Ebun Directorate of university wide courses, landmark university, pmb 1001, omu-aran, kwara state, nigeria






Democracy is supposedly the best system of government of all the systems of government in the history of mankind. Where it is fully in practice, the system promotes human development, dignity of man, freedom and liberty, equality and justice, among others. Nigeria is one of the countries that lay claims to the practice of democracy. However, the system as it is practiced in the country then and now, has not really lived up to the expectations of the general populace. This paper argued that democracy failed in Nigeria because, an essential tier of government, the Local Government, has been rendered ineffective not only by the other tiers of government, that is, federal and state governments, but also, by the constitutions of Nigeria. It x-rayed the evolution of Local Government in Nigeria, its importance and functions, showed the factors that rendered it ineffective, and concluded by way of suggestions on how the tier of government be run efficiently so as to dampen and sustain democracy in the country. It applied secondary method of data collection and it is analysed qualitatively.


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How to Cite

Ebun, O. D. (2018). Local Government and the Sustenance of Democracy in Nigeria. Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 2208-2387), 4(3), 10-17. https://doi.org/10.53555/nnssh.v4i3.125