Human Trafficking Prevention Measures and Women’s Welfare Promotion in Rwanda: A Case of Nyarugenge District, City of Kigali


  • Bosco Ntachobazi International Relations and Diplomacy, School of Social sciences, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Paul Muiruri Munene Lecturer, School of Social sciences, Mount Kenya University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda



Anti-Human Trafficking Measures, Women’s Welfare Promotion, Rwanda


The purpose of this research was to analyze contribution of human trafficking measures prevention on women’s welfare promotion in Rwanda: A case of Nyarugenge District, City of Kigali. The specific objectives were to ascertain the effect of awareness campaign, job creation and capacity building on women’s welfare promotion in Nyarugenge District; Significance of the study will be to bring on more light how these anti-human trafficking measures impact women in terms of women’s welfare promotion and limitation of study were the language barrier and insufficient literature on the case of Rwanda. Scope of the study geographically covered Nyarugenge District, one of the districts that make up Kigali city. In a concise form, the study used a mixed research paradigm. It implies that both quantitative and qualitative approaches were adopted using a descriptive method. A sample size of 338 respondents was drawn from 2180 women beneficiaries of UN Women support in Nyarugenge District. The study used both stratified sampling techniques. Primary data was gathered using questionnaires and interview guide. Secondary data was gathered by the existing literature available in reports, published and unpublished books, electronic sources and journals. The study used descriptive and inferential statistics. In descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation were used while in inferential statistics correlation and regression analysis was used. Results of the first objective show a significant correlation between stakeholders and target audiences and sales increase (r=0.119*, p=0.048), campaign tactics and techniques were positive correlated with income (r=0.121, p=0.044) and ownership to properties (r=0.102, p=0.091). There are positive and significant correlations between campaign tactics and techniques and income (r=0.119*, p=0.048). Results on correlation between building and framing a campaign alliance and dependent variables, there were significant correlation between building and framing a campaign alliance and income (r=.121**, p value=0.044), building and framing a campaign alliance and ownership to properties (r=102, P value 0.091). Results to the second objective reveal significant correlations between business plan and income (r=0.215*, p=0.048), business plan and nutrition (0.512*, p= 0.036). For entrepreneurship skills and nutrition (r=0.931**, p=0.000), and ownership to properties (r=0.680*, p=.003) were positively correlated. Results to the third objective show significant positive correlations were found between agriculture and income (r=.167*, p=.078), ownership to properties (r= .393*, p=.000), and nutrition (r=.560*, p=.056). Significant positive correlations were found between tailoring activities and income level (r=.032*, p=.741), ownership to properties (r=.058*,p=.549) and tailoring activities and nutrition status (r=-0.041*, p=.669). However, a significant relation was found between outsourced companies in different services and nutrition status (r=-0.443*, p=.0.075). The study recommends designing effective policies, establishing women’s carrier orientation desks, the need to scale up in periodical campaign to ensure anti-human trafficking measures, help citizen in understanding that awareness in fighting human trafficking, discuss on the women and girls rights.


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How to Cite

Ntachobazi, B., & Munene, P. M. (2021). Human Trafficking Prevention Measures and Women’s Welfare Promotion in Rwanda: A Case of Nyarugenge District, City of Kigali. Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 2208-2387), 7(10), 143-154.