For publication in Scopus, Web of Science, and more – Expert consultation for indexed journal submissions.
Author Guidelines
Inviting all the engrossed one’s for the publishment of their authentic research results with us. Please follow mentioned publication process to optimize your publication possibilities.
Manuscript Template
-Article Instruction:
#Title: Mandatory. Comprehensible and brief with the use of standard font with no styling.
#Keywords: Mandatory and Standard font
#Main Text: Use of standard font size all over
#Abstract: Mandatory and Significant abstract
#References: Mandatory with APA styling.
NOTE: Submit two files(cover page and blind article file) in submission process to ensure the double blind peer review process.
Cover page - It must contain article title and all author details with complete affiliation and contact details.
Blind article File- This file must contain article title and complete article text. It should not have any details which may identify any author directly or indirectly.
How to submit article:
You can submit your articles to us via our official website:
- Register
- Select appropriate journal
- New Submission
- Upload files and metadata
Or Mail us at
Last Date of Article submission: 27th of every month
Online Publication Date: 30th of every month
Vital guidelines for author to format their papers in the required format for the publication process.
-File type:
Authors should submit the articles only in DOC, DOCX ,RTF and PDF rest of the format are not accepted. If paper include equations, it should be converted by using MS Office equation editor and pasted as image at proper place. Equations should be grouped or may be prepared using equation editor software. Presently we are not accepting Latex formatted articles, authors are suggested to convert their articles only in mentioned formats. Please note that the file size should not exceed 10 MB.
-Pages Count:
Articles under the standard page limit 10-20 are majorly accepted and the allowance of thesis is under 50-150 pages. Limiting your pages to the guided format and briefing them will have a positive influence in the review process.
-File Size:
Maximum file size accepted is 10 MB, in case the article file is bigger than the supported format you can mail us the ZIP format at
Once submitted, the article will be examined by our editorial board experts. Following double blind peer review process. Covering 2-3 months for reviewal of the paper. After the primary clearance of our policies the article can be either accepted or rejected for publication decisioned by our editorial board abiding COPE guidelines.
Author Instructions:
#Personal Details: Full names of all authors with their official mail ID’s
#Author Affiliations: All the details of affiliation of all authors with their specific department and country’s postal codes.
#Funding details: Include all the particulars of the sponsor with their Native country & Department.