Participative Decision Making and Employee Job Performance in Nigerian Academic Libraries
Participative, decision, making, Employee, Job, performance, Academic, libraries, NigeriaAbstract
In today’s rapidly changing environment, organizations are forced to find ways to be more competitive, flexible, and adaptive. To survive and compete in this globalized world, organisations are required to get maximum benefits from employees’ participation in decision making. Employee involvement in decision making is critical to the success of any organization in terms of employee performance and organizational growth. Studies have shown that the manager’s decision making style has a direct implication for employee job performance. This paper therefore looked at the relationship between the decision making style of academic library leadership in Nigeria and employee job performance. Importance of participative decision making was discussed, participative decision making in academic libraries in general and Nigeria in particular and how it affects job performance of employee was also discussed. The paper also highlighted the challenges of Participative decision making (PDM), and made recommendations based on the challenges identified
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