Teacher Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Teachers Workload Stress, Teachers Performance, Turnover RateAbstract
There are various aspects that may affect teachers’ job satisfaction, subsequently impacting on teaching performance and teachers’ overall productivity. These factors may include workplace environment, personal and and psychological factors. The purpose of the study was to investigate if there is any relationship between teachers’ workload stress and job satisfaction in international secondary schools in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Adams (1963) Equity theory, and Bandura’s (1977) Self-Efficacy theory provided the study’s theoretical foundation. The study adopted a convergent parallel mixed methods design. The target population encompassed 2078 secondary school teachers in Nairobi City County, 54 head teachers, and 54 deputy head teachers. Yamane (1967) formula was used to select a sample of 372 participants. Job Satisfaction Survey scale, and Oldenburg Burnout Inventory were adapted as research instruments to collect the study’s quantitative data. Open-ended questions from the adapted tools and informants’ interview guide were used to collect qualitative data. Quantitative data was analysed in descriptive and inferential statistics through Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation, while qualitative data was analysed in thematic form. The findings indicated that teachers who were categorized as having high level of workload stress had the lowest mean score of job satisfaction (M= 62.44, SD = 10.65). The results further indicated that teachers’ workload stress had a significant negative relationship with job satisfaction scores (r(366)= -0.19, P< 0.05). It was recommended that school managers ought to look into approaches that could reduce teachers’ workload stress and improve their job satisfaction. Such approaches may include benchmarking teachers’ working hours for both teaching and non-teaching school responsibilities with the existing international labour standards, and integrating modern technology to promote automation and cut down on repetitive tasks.
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