Assessment of Tourist Willingness to Re-Visit in Cultural Heritage Sites in Tanzania: A Case of Zanzibar Stone Town, UNESCO World Heritage Site


  • Maximilian Chami Department of Intercultural Studies Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Senftenberg



Tourism, Cultural, Heritage, Tourists, Zanzibar, Stone, Town, Revisit, Introduction


The paper focuses on the assessment of tourist willingness to revisit in cultural heritage tourism destinations in Zanzibar Stone Town, UNESCO’s World Heritage site. This study chosen, because many studies on cultural heritage resources in Tanzania have until recently concentrated on the archaeology, management, and conservation of the heritage, leaving out issues of tourist willingness to revisit. Data collected through questionnaires and the sample size included 105 tourists who visited Zanzibar Stone Town in October and November of 2014. The findings show that 72.4% of tourists were willing to come back to Zanzibar Stone Town tourism destination shortly. Their willingness to revisit was due to the good quality and attributes of the site which made them satisfied. The paper recommends that there is a need to improve management and conservation of the site to increase the willingness of the tourist to come back again in this UNESCO’s World Heritage site in Tanzania.


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How to Cite

Chami, M. (2018). Assessment of Tourist Willingness to Re-Visit in Cultural Heritage Sites in Tanzania: A Case of Zanzibar Stone Town, UNESCO World Heritage Site. Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 2208-2387), 4(6), 17-21.