Convention de Minamata, Exploitation artisanale, Exploitant artisanal, mercure, interdiction de l’utilisation de mercure, utilisation illicite du mercure, effets de mercure, santé humaine et environnementaleAbstract
This paper proposes to highlight the contradiction presented by Congolese mining legislation in strictly prohibiting the use of mercury by artisanal gold miners on the one hand and its actual illicit use on the other. Faced with the harmful effects of mercury endangering human, animal and environmental health, the Congolese state must take the necessary precautions to reduce and eliminate the use of mercury in artisanal mining operations and urgently develop a legally binding national instrument on mercury by expressly introducing it into the Constitution of the Republic. This constraint would elevate the illicit use of mercury to the level of a crime (against humanity) as well as its commercialization. In order to achieve this, this research was carried out by means of the legal and technical documentary method.
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