Informants Role of Social Control Society Napza Abuse: A Case Study in Villages Kebon Napsa Abuse Manggis Sub Matraman East Jakarta
Role, informant, Social, and, NAPZA, ControlAbstract
Community Social control against NAPZA Abuse in Kebon Manggis Matraman, East Jakarta Subdistrict done to change attitudes and behavior in order to act in accordance with the norms prevailing in society. Objective to investigate the characteristics of the informant, the informant way in educating the community to tackle NAPZA abuse, how informants invites the public to combat NAPZA abuse, how informants in forcing the community to tackle NAPZA abuse. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. Informants in this study there were five people. Informants were selected using purposive manner. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, observation and documentation study. Test data validity in qualitative research include the test credibility, transferability, depenability and konfirmability. The results showed that the social control carried out by the informant in invites aspect is still lacking. The community is still difficult to be invited to participate in the prevention of NAPZA abuse. Individualist nature of community-owned and bustle city, they cause difficulty they were invited to address the problem of NAPZA abuse. So that the implementation is lacking. As for the educational aspect and force good enough. Based on these results, the researchers created a program proposal that is " The results showed that the social control carried out by the informant in invites aspect is still lacking. The community is still difficult to be invited to participate in the prevention of NAPZA abuse. Individualist nature of community-owned and bustle city, they cause difficulty they were invited to address the problem of NAPZA abuse. So that the implementation is lacking. As for the educational aspect and force good enough. Based on these results, the researchers created a program proposal that is " The results showed that the social control carried out by the informant in invites aspect is still lacking. The community is still difficult to be invited to participate in the prevention of NAPZA abuse. Individualist nature of community-owned and
bustle city, they cause difficulty they were invited to address the problem of NAPZA abuse. So that the implementation is lacking. As for the educational aspect and force good enough. Based on these results, the researchers created a program proposal that is " Individualist nature of community-owned and bustle city, they cause difficulty they were invited to address the problem of NAPZA abuse. So that the implementation is lacking. As for the educational aspect and force good enough. Based on these results, the researchers created a program proposal that is " Individualist nature of community-owned and bustle city, they cause difficulty they were invited to address the problem of NAPZA abuse. So that the implementation is lacking. As for the educational aspect and force good enough. Based on these results, the researchers created a program proposal that is "Increased Community Participation in NAPZA Abuse Prevention Efforts through an activity-August 17 entitled "Freedom from NAPZA Abuse" in Kebon Manggis Matraman, East Jakarta Sub-district".The goal of this program is created to raise awareness and conscious of the problem of NAPZA abuse is increasingly prevalent in the environment and improve people's active participation to participate in NAPZA abuse prevention activities.
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