Mobile Phone and Romantic Relationships: Trust versus Risk
Globalization, Modernity, Technology, Mobile, Phone, Romantic, RelationshipAbstract
The study explores the ways in which mobile phone is used in romantic relationships and how mobile phone creates relational uncertainty in romantic relationships among a random sample of 360 students from two halls of University of Dhaka -Ruqayyah hall and Surja Sen hall. This study used Giddens’ concepts of modernity, globalization and time-space distanciation and has viewed conditions of modernity as a “double-edged phenomenon” (Giddens 1990). Results revealed that a significant number of students engaged with the current relationship through sending romantic text via mobile phone. They also share sexually suggestive texts, images, pornographies or adult content; discuss very personal and sensitive sexual topics and even kiss their loved ones over mobile phone. The study finds that mobile phone has created also relational uncertainty in romantic relationships where the respondents often check and even seize the mobile phone of their romantic partners.
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