
  • Ozah Emmanuel Ewanose National Institute of Construction Technology and Management, Uromi, Edo State, Nigeria



science process skills, basic, integrated, junior students


The present study assessed junior secondary school students' basic and integrated science process skills. The study was conducted during the 2021/2022 academic year in the post-primary education zones of Edo state, Nigeria. The participants completed a self-report measure of the SPS. A descriptive research method was adopted in the study. The percentage analysis conducted on the data revealed that most of the respondents (66.2%) showed more familiarity with the concept of basic science process skills than the (33.8%) of their counterparts. Conversely, the result revealed a high level of unfamiliarity with integrated science process skills among the students (84.4%). The finding revealed a gap in science teaching and learning in the Edo state's post-primary education system. It is recommended that teachers improve their pedagogical strategies in the science classroom. The result has implications for developing science education.


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How to Cite

Emmanuel Ewanose , O. . (2023). SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS IN THE EDO STATE POST-PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM: IMPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE LEARNING . Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 2208-2387), 9(3), 16-20.