
  • Abul Firdaus Bayinat Basha Al Bajali Department of Quranic Sciences and Interpretation, College of Islamic Sciences, International Islamic University for Sharia and Humanitarian Studies



necessity, preservation, religion, pictures, importance.


This research came on an important topic, the importance of which was agreed upon by all nations, regardless of their sects, as guidance and as a reminder to the nation on its great impact on preserving these necessities, and on understanding their purposes from the Creator to attain happiness in this world and the hereafter, and I made it into the following issues:

  • The importance of religion
  • Pictures of preserving religion

In it I dealt with the definition of objectives in language and terminology and among contemporary scholars, then I turned to talk about the emergence and development of the science of objectives since the time of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to the scholar Ibn Ashour and Allal Al-Fassi, passing through Imam Al-Juwayni, Al-Ghazali, Al-Shatibi and other imams of the objectives.

This research has been devoted to clarifying the first of the five necessities (preserving religion), which is one of the most important purposes of Sharia, and I have simplified it in detail.

And for this, I extrapolated the verses in which the conditions of earning are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, using the inductive method, and then I interpreted the verses and explained hadiths, criticism and deduction using the analytical method.


. Sahih Bukhari.

. Fateh Alpari, ex.

. Total fatwas Ibn Taymiyyah.

. Al-Shatibi approvals, (previous reference) (1/92,93), as well as (3/205 and beyond).

. Al-Mawardi Sultanate Rulings, investigated by Ahmed Gad, Dar Al-Hadith, Cairo, Edition 2006, pg. 40.

. Hujjat Allah al-Balaghah Ahmad Shah (2/735), see also pg. 772 invested by Sayed Sabiq, Dar Al-Jeel for Publishing, Printing and Distribution - Beirut.

. The Collector of Science and Wisdom in the Explanation of Fifty Hadiths from Jami` al-Kalam Zain al-Din Abd al-Rahman ibn Ahmad ibn Rajab ibn al-Hasan al-Salami al-Baghdadi al-Dimashqi



How to Cite

Bayinat Basha Al Bajali, A. F. . (2020). THE NECESSITY OF PRESERVING RELIGION. Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 2208-2387), 6(6), 7-12.