Contempt of Court as Defined in “Contempt of Courts Act 1971


  • Jajati Keshari Samantasinghar Research Scholar, Department of Law, Utkal University, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar



Contempt, courts, judiciary, legislations


Contempt of Courts means any act that interferes and obstructs in the process of administration of Justice or undermines or lowers the authority & dignity of the courts and bring them into disrespect and disrepute. It is therefore, necessary that courts are vested with the power to punish for committing the offence of contempt of court. In India the first statute to deal with the offence of contempt of court was contempt of court Act 1926. After independence the Contempt of Court Act 1952 was enacted. However one common lacunae was conspicuous in both the earlier Act. Both the Contempt Act 1926 & 1952 did not define the offence of Contempt. On the basis of Sanyal Committee report & Joint selected Committee known as Bharghab Committee the Contempt of Court Act 1971 was brought in incorporating the definition of Contempt in clear and definite terms.


The Contempt of Court Act, 1952


Report of the Sanyal Committee.


Report of Joint Select Committee on Contempt of Court (Bhargava Committee), Para-15

ILR (1940) Nag.69

(1742) 2 ATK 469

V.G. Ramachandran’s Contempt of Court (2005) Page-174

G.C.V. Subha Rao’s Commentary on Contempt of Court Act 1971,(2005) Page-92

(1877)3 QBD 159.

(1895) All. EQ 511

As quoted in G.C.V. Subba Rao in his Commentary on Contempt of Court Act ,1971 Page-92

V.G. Ramachandran’s Contempt of Court (2005) Page.174

Airport Employees’ Union V. Ranjan Chatterjee, (1999) 2 SCC 537: 1999 SCC (L&S) 558: AIR 1999 SC 880: 1999 Cri LJ 1332: (1999) 1 LLJ 661

Ashok Paper Kamgar Union V. Dharam Godha, (2003) III SCCI.

Dibakar Satpathy V. Hon’ble C.J. & Justices of Orissa High Court, AIR 1961 SC 1315: (1962) 1 SCR 326: (1961) 2 Cri LJ 437.

Maruti Udyog Ltd. V. Mahinder C. Mehta, (2007) 13 SCC 220:AIR 2008 SC 309: (2007) 140 Comp Case 449.

Rita Markandey V. Surjit Singh Arors, (1996) 6 SCC 14: AIR 1997 SC 2174.

V.G. Ramachandran’s Contempt of Court, page-215.

(1999)8 SCC 308, AIR, 1999 SC 3345

Arundhati Ray (2002) 3 SCC 343


Baradakanta Mishra V. Registrar of Orissa High Court,(1974, )1 SCC 374: 1974 SCC (Cri) 128: AIR 1974 SC

: (1974)

AIR 1958, Cal. 474



How to Cite

Samantasinghar, J. K. (2017). Contempt of Court as Defined in “Contempt of Courts Act 1971. Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 2208-2387), 3(5), 09-14.