A Qualitative Approach to the English to Arabic Translation of the Hard News Genre


  • Jamal Mohamad
  • Ahmad Altamimi




Translation, Studies- English-Arabic, TranslationNews Genre, news discourse, Hard news


This research deals with a type of hard news text as it is expressed, used, or made public in the English newspaper. News stories are basically divided into two types: hard news and soft news. Hard news generally refers to up-to-the-minute news and events that are reported immediately, while soft news is background information or human-interest stories. It serves as a qualitative study to the type of issues it discusses and it is intended to be pointing to areas where further development in translating hard news is much needed. It is a Qualitative research which describes efforts that contribute to the knowledge of the discipline and raises two major questions: (1) how does translation mediate the hard news? (2) How does translation frame news already framed in another language? The research concludes that translating hard news, as a form of written communication, must always be done with a target language and culture in mind.


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How to Cite

Mohamad, J. ., & Altamimi, A. . (2019). A Qualitative Approach to the English to Arabic Translation of the Hard News Genre. Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 2208-2387), 5(2), 06-15. https://doi.org/10.53555/nnssh.v5i2.19