What are the Current Opinions and Perceptions of Clinical Staff Towards Caring for Obese Patients? Key Debates and Issues: A Qualitative Research Study in a Cardiac Centre in Bahrain


  • Sandra Goodwin MKCC Supervisor, Bahrain
  • Catherine Abouzaid RCSI, Lecturer in Nursing, Bahrain




Obesity, Cardiovascular, Educationalist, Lifestyle, Rehabilitation, Attitude, Behaviour


This study was conducted in a Cardiac Center in Bahrain. The cessation of obesity in the countryis very high (Ministry of Health, 2012) and according to the World Health Organization (nd)obesity related diseases has been the cause of concern among men and women, also related diseasesuch as cardiovascular, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases are rising dramatically


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How to Cite

Goodwin, S., & Abouzaid, C. (2017). What are the Current Opinions and Perceptions of Clinical Staff Towards Caring for Obese Patients? Key Debates and Issues: A Qualitative Research Study in a Cardiac Centre in Bahrain. Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 2208-2387), 3(2), 01-05. https://doi.org/10.53555/nnssh.v3i2.306