Mentalizing: The Cognitive Aspect of Empathy


  • Federica Madonna Research scholar, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy



empathy, sympathy, mirror neurons, mindreading, free will, freempathy


At the base of concise considerations about what it means empathy and cognitive empathy, this work would like to provide an alternative way, maybe a new one, concerning the understanding of this phenomenon. The central issue linked at the cognitive aspect of empathy is its potential epistemic use and if this represents a valid scientific knowledge; la quaestio is if the way of approaching other minds is the same used for any other knowledge or it has aspects and different structural peculiarities, maybe, together with the metaphysic problem of choice, the free will.

Author Biography

  • Federica Madonna, Research scholar, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy




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How to Cite

Madonna, F. (2019). Mentalizing: The Cognitive Aspect of Empathy. Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 2208-2387), 5(2), 34-40.