The Family Gardens in Dzityá, Yucatán: Networks of Knowledge and Social Learning
Agroecology, backyard, orchards, garden, producers, ethno-gardens,, learning, and, knowledge, networks, sustainability, gardensAbstract
The purpose of this document is to present experiences and realities that family gardens live in rural communities from a knowledge network and social learning perspective. Rural communities that are very close to urban areas, are undergoing a social and economic transformation that impacts on the form of organization, cultural identity and mainly in their economic activities. In this case, agroecology can be a revalued activity by the families of Dzityá as an opportunity to improve their quality of life, in social, environmental and economic terms. Seven interviews and fifteen surveys were applied to the actors involved in the backyard garden system, including municipal authorities and producers. The results show that there is very little exchange of knowledge and collaborative learning between the different actors. In fact, there is a need to implement and strengthen a model of social learning that supports the integration and trust of the families who dedicate themselves to the gardens. However, they begin to manifest the first steps and actions to achieve the formation of a knowledge network.
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