Big Five of Personality and Cognitive Style Big Five Factors of Personality and Reflection – Impulsivity Cognitive Style: A Cross- Cultural Study


  • Elham A. Khalil Psychology Department, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, Shebein el-Kom, Egypt



Personality, Big five personality, Reflection- impulsivity, Cognitive style, Cross cultural study


Objective: This study examines the differences between individual culture (American sample) and collective cultures (Egyptian and Saudi Arabian samples) in Reflection- impulsivity (RI) categories and Big Five of personality traits. The relative contribution of Big Five of personality traits and culture are predicted with RI categories.

Method: Computerized MFFT and NEO PI R administrated on 53 male and female Egyptian, 51 female Saudi, and 35 male and females Americans students.

Results: Using (Z) ratio, results showed no differences among three cultures in MFFT categories except Saudi who were more slow- inaccurate than Egyptian students. Using ANOVA to know significant differences among three cultures on NEO- PI R facets and dimensions. Egyptian were more (O1), (N2), and (E5) than were the Saudi students; Saudi students were more (A3) (A4), (A6), (C4), and agreeableness than were the Egyptian, and more (C2) than American; American who were more (O1), and (E6) than were the Egyptian students, and more (O1), (E5) and (E6) than were the Saudi students.

Conclusions: The culture variable was not predicted with MFFT’ categories, except the Egyptian students who were more inefficient than were the American students as a reference group, and with multinomial regression analysis, only extraversion dimension expected to impulsivity.    


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How to Cite

Khalil, E. A. (2019). Big Five of Personality and Cognitive Style Big Five Factors of Personality and Reflection – Impulsivity Cognitive Style: A Cross- Cultural Study. Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 2208-2387), 5(4), 08-15.