Influence of Project Planning on Implementation of Affordable Housing Project in Rwanda: A Case of Karama Model Village
Government of Rwanda is strongly dedicated when it comes to implementation of affordable housing projects in the country especially in the capital city and all the housing projects implemented should meet standards. However, these project’s success requires strategic approaches that help in proper use of resources available in implementation of those projects. The study is aiming at investigating planning factors influencing implementation of Karama Model Village affordable housing projects in Kigali, Rwanda. This study was conducted at Karama Model Village and examined the influence of stakeholders on implementation of affordable housing projects. The study was guided by objective of assessing influence of stakeholder involvement on implementation of affordable housing projects in Kigali, Rwanda. The study used descriptive research design, one hundred fifty (150) staff members as the target population, sixty (60) as the sample size and random sampling method was used. Questionnaire was the method of data collect, descriptive statistics of frequency distribution, figures and tables were used to analyze data collected. The study used inferential statistics of coefficient of correlation, coefficient of determination to determine relationship between independent variables and dependent variables. R-square determined was 0.55 and this shows that the independent variable is justified by 55% of the influencer of implementation of affordable housing projects. Adjusted R-square indicates that independent variable of the study influences the implementation of affordable housing at 63.6%. All variables of the study significantly influence planning and implementation of affordable housing projects. ?1=0.020 designates an increase in stakeholder involvement will increase an equal of 0.020. The study concluded involved stakeholders never all participated in planning and implementation of the Karama Model village project. The study recommends Rwandan government to always allow all stakeholders take part in all stages of decision making and share their point of view before implementation of any housing project. In additon, the Rwandan government should be awared that projects need collaborative behaviors and participation of all stakeholders and projects cannot be completed as desired without success of stakeholder’s involvement and technical planning but completion of project management can facilitate the project completion. To achieve this, the Rwandan government should set clear and strong relationships between the beneficiary and the entire project management team so as to successfully complete the project and achieve the set objectives. Finally, the study suggested other studies to do research on Rwanda as a country to come up with general results and conclusions, studies should be done to assess the role of government participation in housing affordability in Rwanda as a whole and further studies should be done to assess other factors affecting implementation of affordable housing projects in Rwanda.
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