Financial Inclusion Support and Performance of Livelihood Project in Rwanda: A Case of Street Vendors' Project in Gasabo District
This paper aims at examining the influence of financial inclusion support on performance of livelihood project among street vendors. Data for this study was collected from livelihood projects in Kigali City; Rwanda. The paper tested the hypothesis that there is significant influence of financial inclusion support on performance of livelihood project among street vendors. This study used correlation research design in order to evaluate the influence of project financial inclusion support on performance of livelihood project in Gasabo district; Rwanda. The population of this research were 200 people including street vendors and head of departments as well as managers of financial institutions; while sample size were 134 respondents that was obtained by using Slovin’s formula. Questionaires and guided interview were used as data collection instruments where descriptive statistics was used for quantitative data analysis through the software of statistical package for the social sciences(SPSS) version 21;qualitative data were analysed by using thematic method ; Karl Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was used to establish relationship between variables while regression analysis was used to check the influence of project financial inclusion support to performance of livelihood project at 16.9 percent of R -square. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 77 percent showed that the instruments were reliable while the validity was established by peer discussion with experts. This study will be significant to head departments, financial inclusion managers, street vendors and MINECOFINE. The findings on the first objective showed that table banking and saving account are considered as capacity building as it was confirmed by 55.5 percent of street vendors that they save money after selling. The findings on the second objective showed that 91.8 percent of the street vendors agreed that they use cashless payment .The findings on the third objective showed that entrepreneurial activities support; monitoring and evaluation influence livelihood project performance , it was also shown that there is significant low degree of positive correlation of 0.402 between capital support and improvement of street vendors' quality and that every increase on us of start-up capital leads to livelihood performance increase somewhere between 7.7 percent and 36.1 percent. It was concluded that effective implementation of project financial inclusion support leads to positive performance of livelihood project. The study recommends that national budget planners and intervening people should provide financial facilities and make effective set up that should enhance performance of livelihood project. The researcher suggests that further research can be done to examine the influence of financial inclusion support on development of livelihood project among street vendors in Rwanda so as to come up with comparative analysis.
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