Impact of Social Media Usage on Academic Performance of Tertiary Institution Students: Evidence From Accra & Tema Metropolis, Ghana
Social Networks,, Academic Output, Tertiary Students,, Internet Use, West AfricaAbstract
The study sought to assess the relationship between student’s use of social media and academic performance of tertiary institutions students in Ghana with a focus on Accra and Tema Metropolis. Questionnaire was used for collecting data. Out of one thousand copies of the questionnaire distributed, a valid response of 70.0 % was retrieved. SPSS computer software was used to measure descriptive, correlation, regression among others. The study revealed that all the constructs of social media (dependent variable) had a significant positive relationship thus the independent variables (Facebook, Whatsapps, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, and Twitter) at level 0.01 with the dependent variable academic performance.
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