
  • Abul Firdaus Bayinat Basha Al Bajali Department of Quranic Sciences and Interpretation, College of Islamic Sciences, International Islamic University for Sharia and Humanitarian Studies



social media images, international agreements, advocacy and fatwas, commercial transactions


The study concluded that social media in particular has taken a large and important space in the most prominent fields of contemporary life, especially open-source social media, and as long as most aspects of human, natural and cosmic activity; It was worth studying all their aspects to clarify the position of Sharia and the law on them and their rulings on them. There is no doubt about the necessity and necessity of submitting them to their controls to ensure optimal benefit from them, as they are among the services that are indispensable in our contemporary time. Accordingly, this study dealt with the issue of social media through the following images:

- Social media images in the call and Ifta

- Social media images in business transactions

Topics related to the media today are among the topics worthy of study and care, as the media occupies a large and influential space in various fields of life. Perhaps social media is one of the most prominent types of media in terms of influence and importance, as it is based on transmitting news and information from the community to the community itself, to achieve one of the purposes of news, guidance or guidance through its various means such as clubs, forums, places of worship, social networks, newspapers and books. The media directed to a particular place, group, or segment of society is considered its social media, such as the media directed to the community of a particular city or a segment such as women, or a group such as the disabled. Whereas social media is of such vitality and importance; That I studied this subject as required by the requirements of the study. Then this study was based on the extrapolation of the issues in which the opinions of scholars varied according to the multiplicity of factors related to the edge, according to an applied analytical methodology.


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. Al-Hattab, Muhammad bin Muhammad (945 AH) Talents of the Galilee in a Short Explanation of Khalil, 3rd Edition (1412 AH - 1992 AD) Dar Al-Fikr, 1/32.

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. Al-Razi, Keys to the Unseen, previous reference, 8/315.

. Al-Bayanouni, Introduction to Alma to Da’wah, previous reference, p. 33.

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. Al-Zayla’i, Othman bin Ali (743) Explanation of the facts, Explanation of the Treasure of Minutes, 1st Edition (1313 AH) The Grand Princely Press Bulaq, 4/24; Ibn Abidin, Muhammad Amin bin Omar (1412 AH 1992 AD) Al-Muhtar’s Response to Al-Durr Al-Mukhtar, 2nd Edition, Dar Al-Fikr: Beirut, previous reference, 4/5, 44, 4/530, 558.

. Al-Hattab, Talents of the Galilee, previous reference, 4/293.

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. See: Ibn al-Shibhah, Ahmad ibn Muhammad (882 AH) Lisan al-Hakam fi Ma‘rifat al-Ahkam, 2nd floor (1393 AH 1973 AD) Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi Press, Cairo, p. 2nd Edition, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Islami, 7/279, Al-Hattab, Talents of the Galilee, previous reference 5/389; Al Muwaq, The Crown and the Wreath, 7/493; Al-Shirazi, Al-Muhadhdhab, 2/243; Al-Sherbiny, Mughni Al-Muhtaaj, 3/438, Al-Bahooti, Mansour bin Younis (1051) Al-Rawd Al-Murabba’ Sharh Zad Al-Muntaqa, Dar Al-Moayad, pg. 409, Al-Mardawi, Al-Insaaf, previous reference, 6/7.

. Al-Bukhari, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of Sales, Chapter What Can Eliminate Lying and Confidentiality in Selling, 3/59 No.: 2089.

. Al-Manasir, Ali Abdul-Karim, (2007 AD) Commercial advertisements, their concept and rulings in Islamic jurisprudence, his doctoral thesis (unpublished) University of Jordan, Jordan, p. 119.

. Al-Tirmidhi, Muhammad bin Issa (279 AH) Al-Jami’ Al-Mukhtasar about the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and knowing the correct and the effect and what should be done, 2nd Edition (1395 AH - 1975 AD) Investigation: Ahmed Muhammad Shaker, Fouad Muhammad Abdul-Baqi, Ibrahim Atwa, Mustafa Al-Babi Company and Press Al-Halabi, Egypt, chapters on sales, chapter on merchants and how the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, named them. Al-Tirmidhi said: This is a good hadith, 5/307, No. 1209.

. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of Medicine, Chapter on Healing in Three. 6/123, No.: 5681.

. Al-Saadi, Tayseer Al-Karim Al-Rahman in the interpretation of the words of Al-Mannan, previous reference, p. 232.

. Al-Manasir, commercial advertisements, their concept and rulings in Islamic jurisprudence




How to Cite

Bayinat Basha Al Bajali, A. F. . (2018). SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGES AND THEIR LEGAL RULINGS. Journal of Advance Research in Business, Management and Accounting (ISSN: 2456-3544), 4(6), 1-11.

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