Assessing the Fit of Applicants: A Pilot Study Among Austrian Start-Ups
Austrian Start-ups, Selection Process, Person-Environment Fit, Applicant AssessmentAbstract
Many innovation-oriented companies in the Western world are facing a scarcity of young talent particularly in the technical and engineering professions. As an engine of innovation, start-ups depend ever more on the fast growth of human capital, to secure their survival and success. Little research has however been done regarding hiring in start-ups, therefore a pilot study of good practice in start-ups that is essential for HR expansion and innovation is very necessary for innovation-oriented companies. The main result of the study, using a qualitative approach is the formation of a theoretical framework that can demonstrate good practice in the hiring process model, used for Austrian start-ups. This framework has been based on intensive research into the recent literature dealing with the person-environment fit, as well as in-depth interviews with HR managers active in Austrian start-ups. The outcome of the study does not only provide a theoretical framework for hiring in start-ups, but also provides insights into the hypothetical creation of future studies on hiring in other innovation-oriented companies.
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