Simplification of the European Model of Management Excellence


  • Aurelio Muñoz Rubio Escuela de Ingeniería Naval, University of Cadiz, CASEM, Puerto Real, Spain
  • Fernando Tejedor Panchón Sinergy Ltd. Sevilla, Spain
  • Gonzalo Tejedor Panchón Gisa Ltd. Rota, Spain
  • José Manuel Mánuel Institute of Research on Electron Microscopy and Materials. University of Cadiz, Puerto Real, Spain
  • Francisco Javier Bermúdez Rodríguez 6Acoustic Engineering Laboratory, CASEM. University of Cadiz, Puerto Real, Spain
  • Ricardo Hernández Molina 6Acoustic Engineering Laboratory, CASEM. University of Cadiz, Puerto Real, Spain



EFQM Model,, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Total Quality (TQ), Enabler Criteria, Performance Criteria


The current international context requires the modernization of the naval sector towards what has been called Naval Industry 4.0, which has already been successfully implemented by some countries such as North Korea. In order to remain competitive with those countries, a deep reconsideration of the engineering of the whole value chain must be done. Thus, the optimization of each one of the naval sector elements is highly important. These changes also include the auxiliary industry needed for a dynamic dockyard. More specifically, the working and management model of such industry has to be updated and improve its efficiency by involving business models that guarantee the management excellence. In this sense, one management model that has become a reference for many organizations is the European Model of Excellence. In this work, we present a simplification of this model, which would allow implementing it in SMEs. 

Author Biographies

  • Aurelio Muñoz Rubio, Escuela de Ingeniería Naval, University of Cadiz, CASEM, Puerto Real, Spain


  • Fernando Tejedor Panchón, Sinergy Ltd. Sevilla, Spain


  • José Manuel Mánuel, Institute of Research on Electron Microscopy and Materials. University of Cadiz, Puerto Real, Spain


  • Ricardo Hernández Molina, 6Acoustic Engineering Laboratory, CASEM. University of Cadiz, Puerto Real, Spain



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How to Cite

Rubio, A. M. ., Panchón, F. T., Panchón, G. T., Mánuel, J. M. ., Bermúdez Rodríguez, F. J. ., & Molina, R. H. . (2017). Simplification of the European Model of Management Excellence. Journal of Advance Research in Business, Management and Accounting (ISSN: 2456-3544), 3(4), 01-09.

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