The Project Planning and Implementation in Rwanda National Union of Deaf Project Kicukiro District
A number of donor funded project fail during implementation stage due to poor planning. This study objective was to assess the impact of project planning on implementation in Rwanda National Union of Deaf (RNUD) Project. Specific objectives of the study included: to determine ways in which project planning impacts on successful implementation of Rwanda National Union of Deaf (RNUD) Project in Kicukiro District; to establish how project implementation processes are accomplished in the Rwanda National Union of Deaf (RNUD) Project in Kicukiro District; and to determine the impact of project planning on project implementation of Rwanda National Union of Deaf (RNUD) Project in Kicukiro District. The researcher used descriptive research design for data analysis. The researcher used a simple random sampling to select 112 respondents including 16 respondents who included project donors and employees, who were given questionnaires to provide quantitative data. Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression analysis models with help of SPSS version 21.0 were used to analyse the collected data from the field. The results revealed a positive and significant relationship between project planning and implementation of Rwanda National Union of Deaf (RNUD) Project in Kicukiro District, Rwanda. For instance, the positive and significant relationship between project scope planning and team development (r=.821 and p=.000), between project scope planning and task assignment (r=.787 and p=.000), between project scope planning and plan execution (r=.848 and p=.000) between project resource planning and team development (r=.834 and p=.000) between project resource planning and task assignment (r=.772 and p=.000) between project resource planning and plan execution (r=.858 and p=.000) For the findings, the study recommend project employees should be equipped with more planning skills to enhance the process of project planning by including the project beneficiaries, The researcher would also like to recommend to project beneficiaries to be part and parcel of project planning and implementation process of RNUD Project to enhance its performance and ensure full participation of stakeholder to enhance productive implementation process of project and beneficiary satisfaction.
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